Wednesday, August 30, 2006
  First Meeting Of the Year
To all those who came to the first meeting of the year: thank you!

We agreed to bight off two projects for this fall,
In September we're going to call attention to International Peace Day
and in October we're going to call attention to National Coming Out Day.

For both we'll do our typical "letter writing, petition, buttons, table-tent, side-walk chalk, posters, flyers, tabling in the student center" progressive thing.

We also talked about engaging UNO Students or administration in the issue of the ongoing Genocide in Darfur. No actions were decided on yet, but if we'll talk about it more next week.

Sept. 5th, next week, is our next meeting where we'll finalize plans for Peace Day.

I hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
  test post
test post

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